A-Z Index



当学生上大学时, 他们接触到大量的想法和研究成果,扩大了他们的视野, 具有全球意识和与他人合作的能力. 大学是和记棋牌娱乐社会的文化中心, 校园管理人员也认识到对多样化学生群体的强烈需求. 包容性校园也尊重美国各种民权运动的历史.S.; academic access can serve to empower and advance minority groups.

更大的校园包容性和学生多样性提高了大学体验. Students who surround themselves with new and different ideas will have an easier time adjusting to the various environments they’ll encounter beyond the classroom.



Supporting Organizations

African American

全国泛希腊理事会 (NPHC): Nine African American sororities and fraternities are collected within this single organization. 一些成员团体已经有一个多世纪的历史了, such as Alpha Phi Alpha, Kappa Alpha Psi和Omega Psi Phi. 这些社会组织为学生提供了建立人际关系网的机会, 在当地社区做志愿者, 接受领导培训, 进入会员专属的职业论坛,参加专业培训. 加入这些组织, 访问他们各自的网站,并为潜在会员查阅文献. Student fees can range based on the Greek organization and your current enrollment year in college.

全国黑人研究生协会 (NBGSA): This nonprofit, interdisciplinary student organization is dedicated to the recognition and academic success of black graduate students. The annual membership fee 在读研究生是25美元. 会员可以获得各种各样的福利, 包括NBGSA通讯和文章提交流程, career digests, 奖学金机会和国家会议折扣.

全国有色人种协进会 (NAACP): Their vision is to ensure a society in which all individuals have equal rights and there is no racial discrimination.

American Indian

全国印第安人教育协会 (NIEA): This group, founded in 1970, is dedicated to research, 在美国原住民的倡导和专业发展.S. 学生可以成为NIEA会员,并获得职业资源等福利, 网络研讨会和学术出版物. 学生会员费为每年50美元. Some NIEA scholarship listings 可以在线免费访问吗.

美国印第安大学基金: This organization provides funding resources to 34 accredited tribal academic institutions in the U.S., raising over $5.仅2012-2013学年就有300万名学生. In five years, 这个大学基金用79%的捐款创造了超过6个,每年为美国印第安学生提供1万美元的奖学金. 在部落和非部落学院就读的本科生和研究生都可以 申请奖学金 在美国印第安大学基金网站上.

Alpha Pi Omega: This sorority has the honor of being the oldest Greek social organization dedicated to Native American interests in the nation. Alpha Pi Omega began in 1994 at the University of North Carolina and has since grown to encompass 17 chapters across the U.S. This sorority hosts annual award ceremonies to recognize the academic and civil service accomplishments of their members.


亚太岛民美国奖学基金: This organization has granted $90 million in scholarships to Asian and Pacific Islander students, 58%的受助人生活在贫困线或贫困线以下. 56%的受助人也是家中第一个上大学的人. Students can visit the APIASF website to apply to the scholarship fund and to the Gates Millennium Scholars Program.

美国泛亚美国商会教育基金会 (USPAACC): This professional nonprofit advocacy group was founded in 1984; it has since partnered with a number of government agencies and Fortune 1000 corporations to build strong in-roads for Asian American representation in business and academia. 每年,USPAACC都会发布一份多达20种不同奖学金的免费指南.

全国泛希腊协会 (NAPA): 这是一个由14个亚洲和太平洋岛民联谊会和兄弟会组成的联盟. Every Greek social organization listed here must be at least a decade old before they can join NAPA. 学生会员费因会员组织而异.


西班牙裔奖学金基金 (HSF): HSF发放了超过4.7亿美元的奖学金,每年颁发5100个奖项. 奖学金申请时间为每年1月1日. The awards, which range from $1,000 to $15,000, 是否与其他组织合作, 包括比尔和梅林达·盖茨基金会, Coca-Cola and AT&T.

拉丁裔兄弟组织全国协会 (NALFO): This umbrella coalition oversees twenty Latino fraternities and sororities based at universities across the nation. 成立于1931年的Phi Iota Alpha是最古老的NALFO成员之一. 这些希腊社团的学费各不相同.


BestColleges.com的女性奖学金和资源: 女性根据自己的研究领域寻找奖学金机会, demographics or organization can find dozens of resources in our own dynamic list of funding opportunities. 每个奖学金列表都附有重要的细节, such as award amount, 资格要求和申请链接. 学生们也可以参考这份指南来获取职业咨询资源, 哪些旨在帮助女性在毕业后取得职业成功.

美国大学妇女协会 (AAUW): 这个全国学生组织联盟致力于妇女的法律倡导, STEM领域的学术机会和代表性. 参加AAUW合作大学和学院的学生可以获得免费会员资格, 而非合作学校的学生根据学生身份每年支付17至49美元. Members gain access to AAUW networking events, leadership training and exclusive publications.


Campus Pride

校园骄傲指数将美国大学排名.S. 对同性恋者的友好程度. 他们根据八项LGBT因素对每所大学进行评分:政策包容性, campus safety, student life, academic life, counseling and health, recruitment and retention, 机构承诺与住房. The Campus Pride college database can be an instrumental resource for prospective students searching for LGBT-friendly campuses.

Point Foundation

这个倡导组织为LGBTQ社区提供多种免费福利, 包括指导机会, scholarship awards, 公务员培训及领导能力发展. Both undergraduate and graduate students are eligible to become Point Scholars and earn academic funding. 奖项的颁发要经过详尽的五步程序, 其中包括两轮申请, 补充材料部分, 一次电话面试和一次委员会面试.

Lavender Graduation

美国各地的数十所大学都在进行类似的活动.S. 庆祝薰衣草毕业典礼, 是为了纪念LGBTQIA学生毕业而举办的吗. Students can check the Lavender Graduation college listings to see if their institution participates in this tradition. Lavender Graduation ceremonies are held one week before a college’s general graduation commencement.


With a national focus on leading conversations about equality for the LGBTQ community and informing the media narrative, this organization works with news and entertainment media of all formats and communications and digital strategy outlets to ensure the public is provided with powerful stories about the LGBTQ community that advocates for greater equality.


GLSEN的使命很简单:确保学校社区的每个成员都受到尊重, 不管他们的性取向如何. 这是通过教育教师来实现的, students and the public about the common pressures faced by LGBTQ students and working to remove barriers to success.

Human Rights Campaign

HRC是最大的争取女同性恋民权的组织, gay, 双性恋和跨性别美国人. 该组织目前有超过1名员工.500万会员,都致力于让所有人实现真正的平等. The organization has a number of research publications outlining equality indexes on areas such as healthcare, employers, states and corporations.


通过消除仇恨,建立富有同情心和包容性的社区, the 马修·谢泼德基金会 hopes to empower LGBTQ individuals to challenge and address discriminatory behavior in their schools, neighborhoods and homes.


Identifying as America’s premier social justice advocacy organization for transgender individuals, NCTE在联邦政府工作, state and local levels to leverage political capital and change laws encouraging discriminatory behavior. The organization has a particularly helpful “Know Your Rights” section of their website with information on housing, healthcare, employment, and more.

National Gay & Lesbian Task Force

Since 1973, NGLTF has focused on building the political capital of the LGBTQ community through activist training, 推进支持同志立法,提高同志权益和事业的知名度. The organization is also an excellent resource for learning about the beliefs and platforms of those running for public office in regards to LGBTQ interests.


Through support, 教育和宣传工作, 同性恋亲友会旨在将LGBTQ群体与朋友团结起来, families and allies. By doing so, the organization hopes to further equality efforts and lessen discriminatory practices. 目前,有350多个分会和20多万名会员.

TransYouth Family Allies

TYFA is focused on supporting children and families to create support systems offering encouragement and acceptance regardless of sexual orientation. 主要工作领域包括对公众进行歧视教育, 致力于消除压迫和暴力, 并结成联盟,确保为LGBTQ个人提供支持服务.The organization has a number of outreach initiatives and resources to accomplish this mission.

Learning Materials

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