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盛况, 周五下午,和记棋牌娱乐庆祝其第11任校长的就职典礼,气氛和新开始的光芒充满了熊猫体育馆, Dr. 兰斯·泰特姆, 仪式上,人们对新任领导人的成功表示了良好祝愿,同时为该机构的未来设定了方向.

大学教师, 穿着五颜六色的学术礼服, 作为工作人员座上宾, 校友和学生挤满了露天看台的座位, 加入社区支持者, delegates from across the state 和 friends of the Tatum family. The ceremony also featured stirring music performed by the Northwest 风交响曲塔合唱团.

当天的高潮时刻发生在 校董会 Chair Roxanna Swaney 和 Vice Chair Mel Tjeerdsma placed Northwest’s chain of office 和 medallion – a new set unveiled for Tatum’s presidency that replaced the one in use since Dr. B.D. 1977年欧文斯的就职典礼 ——越过他的肩膀. 然后, 塔图姆在他妻子的陪同下, 吉尔, 还有这对夫妇的孩子, Thad 和 Zoe – placed his left h和 on a large Bible passed on to the family by 吉尔’s mother, 他举起右手,接受斯瓦尼宣读的命令,履行西北航空公司总裁的职责.

Northwest Regents Mel Tjeerdsma 和 Roxanna Swaney placed the University's chain of office on Dr. 兰斯·塔图姆的肩膀,他的家人在一旁看着. (Photo by Lauren Adams/<a href='http://ddfnaz.yn17car.com'>和记棋牌娱乐</a>)

Northwest Regents Mel Tjeerdsma 和 Roxanna Swaney placed the University's chain of office on Dr. 兰斯·塔图姆的肩膀,他的家人在一旁看着. (Photo by Lauren Adams/和记棋牌娱乐)

Placing his h和 on a family Bible held by his wife, 吉尔, Dr. 兰斯·泰特姆 accepted the charge to carry out the duties of Northwest’s president. (Photo by Todd Weddle/<a href='http://ddfnaz.yn17car.com'>和记棋牌娱乐</a>)

Placing his h和 on a family Bible held by his wife, 吉尔, Dr. 兰斯·泰特姆 accepted the charge to carry out the duties of Northwest’s president. (Photo by Todd Weddle/和记棋牌娱乐)

Dr. 兰斯·泰特姆 presented his inaugural address to an audience in Bearcat Arena. (Photo by Todd Weddle/<a href='http://ddfnaz.yn17car.com'>和记棋牌娱乐</a>)

Dr. 兰斯·泰特姆 presented his inaugural address to an audience in Bearcat Arena. (Photo by Todd Weddle/和记棋牌娱乐)


在行动上, Tatum was showered with applause 和 a prolonged st和ing ovation by the Bearcat Arena crowd.

“今天标志着我总统任期的开始,也是和记棋牌娱乐学校卓越和社区传统的延续,塔图姆在结束就职演说时说. “我坚定地致力于增长的愿景, sustainability 和 empowerment that lies at the heart of our journey forward.”

和记棋牌娱乐校董会选择了博士. 兰斯·泰特姆 to lead the University last year, 和 he began his tenure June 1, 2023. 就职典礼是学院和大学的一个长期传统,庆祝校长就职,重申一个机构的使命和承诺,标志着塔图姆在和记棋牌娱乐第一年的高潮.

除了感谢许多支持他个人和职业成长的人,包括家人, 过去的老师和导师——塔图姆感谢西北和玛丽维尔社区成员,他们在他和吉尔过渡到大学期间帮助了他们. 他感谢西北地区的领导, 教师 和 工作人员 – past 和 present – for their encouragement 和 dedication to the University.

“It was immediately clear to me that 学生 were the focus at 和记棋牌娱乐,塔图姆说. “属性, a well-developed legacy from the days of this institution's role as a Normal School, 谈到了我的学生经历. An experience connected to committed 教师 和 hardworking 工作人员. An experience that built 和 shaped me into who I am today. Through the hard work 和 support of 教师 和 工作人员 at Northwest, we will continue to uphold the mission 和 values of this University. 提供优秀教学的价值, 有意义的指导和承诺的支持,以成长和培养和记棋牌娱乐的学生,使他们能够实现他们的教育和职业目标.”

感谢西北同学, 泰特姆说, “你们愿意让吉尔和我参加你们的校园活动和庆祝活动,这给了和记棋牌娱乐许多美好的早期回忆, 还有能量, 你表现出的激情和自豪感激励着我继续专注于让你在西北的经历变得最好.”


“对我来说, education st和s as the cornerstone of progress 和 advancement within any society,塔图姆说. “它是打开机会之门的钥匙,使个人能够实现最大的潜力。. 从我走进教室的那一刻起, I envisioned myself not merely as a source of knowledge but as a facilitator of learning, 用技能武装学生, values 和 self-assurance necessary to navigate the complexities of our ever-changing world.”

Dr. 兰斯·泰特姆 delivered his inaugural address to an audience in Bearcat Arena. (Photo by Todd Weddle/<a href='http://ddfnaz.yn17car.com'>和记棋牌娱乐</a>)

Dr. 兰斯·泰特姆 delivered his inaugural address to an audience in Bearcat Arena. (Photo by Todd Weddle/和记棋牌娱乐)

In outlining goals for Northwest during his presidency, 泰特姆说 he is focused on enrollment growth 和 sustainability, providing 学生 with the best possible collegiate experience, 以及对大学员工的投资. 他承诺加强和记棋牌娱乐的关怀文化,同时培养人们的团结意识和相互尊重,把大学称为家.

随着公立大学资金的转移,学费成为支持和记棋牌娱乐等机构的主要收入来源, 塔图姆说,该机构必须继续关注战略增长和可持续性,以保持其在该地区提供无障碍高等教育的使命.

Several initiatives to meet those goals are underway at Northwest, Tatum noted. 去年夏天, 该大学扩大了其熊猫优势奖学金计划,以吸引更多优质的州外学生. 同时, 和记棋牌娱乐正在与堪萨斯大学学者合作,扩大招收来自堪萨斯城的低收入学生的机会, 和 a robust international student population is helping to grow 和 diversify 大学的招生组合. 另外, 该大学对招生和招生方法进行了全面审查,以指导其未来五年的招生策略.

说到大学经历, 塔图姆承认,与几十年前的大学生相比,如今的学生学习方式有所不同. 仍然, 他说, Northwest remains positioned to help its 学生 cultivate deep connections with 教师, 工作人员 和 peers that contribute to a holistic education.

“今天, 学生 have the flexibility to enroll in either traditional classroom settings, 在线或混合格式, 混合两种,塔图姆说. “再加上通过社交媒体和其他各种交流平台与朋友和同龄人交流的能力, 和 the contemporary collegiate experience differs significantly from that of past generations. 不过, 不管连接方式如何, the time spent at Northwest should remain the most transformative experience in our 学生’ lives.”

泰特姆说, “和记棋牌娱乐充满活力的校园生活证明了定义和塑造和记棋牌娱乐机构的社区精神. 这是与教师的经历和互动, 工作人员 和 the campus community that bond our 学生 to Northwest. 一旦他们成为校友, 正是这种联系奠定了他们对和记棋牌娱乐机构目标的兴趣和支持意愿. Our aim is to cultivate a Northwest experience that sparks inspiration, 因为只有受鼓舞的人才能激励他人. 别忘了,一次做熊猫,永远做熊猫.”

最后, 塔图姆表示,他希望投资和记棋牌娱乐的人才,培养一个有利于个人和职业发展的校园环境. 朴槿惠校长表示,和记棋牌娱乐将探索加强现有领导力课程的方法,并将资源分配给专业发展,培养领导者, 领导力培训, mentorship 和 providing platforms so aspiring individuals may assume leadership roles.

“在西北, 教师, 工作人员, 学生, 校友和朋友是骨干, 驱动力, 也是和记棋牌娱乐成功的精髓所在,塔图姆说. “Investing in people is not just merely a strategic decision; it is a fundamental expression of our belief in the transformative power of education.”

Dr. 小杰克·霍金斯., the chancellor of Troy University, delivered the ceremony's keynote address. (Photo by Lauren Adams/<a href='http://ddfnaz.yn17car.com'>和记棋牌娱乐</a>)

Dr. 小杰克·霍金斯., the chancellor of Troy University, delivered the ceremony's keynote address. (Photo by Lauren Adams/和记棋牌娱乐)

University leaders congratulate, welcome new president

学生会主席兼学生董事Elizabeth Motazedi向<a href='http://ddfnaz.yn17car.com'>和记棋牌娱乐</a>校长Dr. 兰斯·泰特姆. (Photo by Lauren Adams/<a href='http://ddfnaz.yn17car.com'>和记棋牌娱乐</a>)

学生会主席兼学生董事Elizabeth Motazedi向和记棋牌娱乐校长Dr. 兰斯·泰特姆. (Photo by Lauren Adams/和记棋牌娱乐)

Dr. 兰斯·塔图姆在农业学习中心的晚间社交和晚宴上向家人和朋友打招呼. (Photo by Todd Weddle/<a href='http://ddfnaz.yn17car.com'>和记棋牌娱乐</a>)

Dr. 兰斯·塔图姆在农业学习中心的晚间社交和晚宴上向家人和朋友打招呼. (Photo by Todd Weddle/和记棋牌娱乐)

Dr. 小杰克·霍金斯., 特洛伊大学的校长, 阿拉巴马州, 也是塔图姆的重要导师, 提供活动的主题演讲. 霍金斯自1989年以来一直担任特洛伊大学的校长,是美国公立大学中任职时间最长的首席执行官.

While emphasizing higher education’s responsibility to preserve culture 和 values, Hawkins reflected on Tatum’s growth 和 development as a servant leader.   

“我认为,作为一所学院,和记棋牌娱乐面临的最大挑战之一是需要强有力的领导——能够做出符合学生最大利益的决定的领导,霍金斯说. 解决泰特姆, 霍金斯补充说, “I’ve watched you grow up from being a lifeguard at Troy University to a 教师 member, 给部门主席, 然后我记得我请你做副校长,然后是和记棋牌娱乐学院的首席学术官. I’ve been so incredibly proud of the work that you’ve done.”

仪式还包括西北利益相关者团体领导人的问候和贺词, 马特Gaarder, 协会主席 校友会董事会; Elizabeth Motazedi, Northwest’s 学生参议院 president 和 student regent; Leisha Barry, 协会主席 西北基金会董事会; Selena Foreman, chair of the 员工委员会; 和 Dr. 朗达·比默,美国 教师参议院. Chad Mayne, pastor at The Bridge in Maryville, provided an invocation.

“当和记棋牌娱乐站在一个新时代的地平线上, 这是合适的,和记棋牌娱乐反思在整个历史上定义了和记棋牌娱乐大学的价值观-对学术卓越的承诺, dedication to a culture of family 和 a belief in the transformative power of education,巴里说。. “Dr. 兰斯·泰特姆 brings a wealth of experience, passion 和 vision to lead us forward. He has a proven track record of team building 和 higher education experience, 和 I look forward to his leadership that will steward Northwest to continue to thrive 和 evolve.”

除了下午的就职典礼, the Tatum family 和 friends gathered during the morning at The Bridge for a prayer brunch. 就职典礼后, 与会者有机会在拉姆金活动中心大厅与塔图姆打招呼并合影留念. Evening activities included a social 和 dinner at the 农业学习中心, attended by the Tatum family 和 friends as well as University leaders, prior to the 学生活动委员会-sponsored concert featuring Russell Dickerson at the 卡尔和谢丽尔·休斯菲尔德豪斯.


Dr. 马克Hornickel

