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10月. 9, 2022

Missouri Hope tests students’ skills in responding to natural disaster

周五下午,直升机的声音在上空回荡 Mozingo户外教育休闲区 (MOERA) while a rotation of ambulances with lights flashing moved to and from the site where a simulated natural disaster had left dozens of victims injured and confused.

整个周末,这一幕上演了好几次, with a cadre of first responders and emergency management personnel tending to the victims, as 和记棋牌娱乐 hosted its annual Missouri Hope emergency response field training exercise.

Students working as first responders assist volunteers portraying victims of a natural disaster during Missouri Hope. (<a href='http://ddfnaz.yn17car.com'>和记棋牌娱乐</a>照片)

Students working as first responders assist volunteers portraying victims of a natural disaster during Missouri Hope. (和记棋牌娱乐照片)

While the disaster simulation teaches participants about task-related skills – such as search and rescue, first aid and incident command systems – they also build process skills related to leadership, 积极的追随者和建立高效的团队.

“Because you’re in a team and you rotate the leadership positions in a really high stress environment, many students have said this has been a life changing event because the technical skills are nice, but people – especially who didn’t think they could lead – suddenly find that they are empowered for the rest of their life,”医生说。. 马克·科森(Mark Corson)是一名地理学教授.S. 帮助协调演习的陆军老兵.

悉尼McQuinn, 她是密苏里大学堪萨斯城分校的护理专业学生, directs a team of first responders during an simulated disaster Friday at Missouri Hope.

悉尼McQuinn, 她是密苏里大学堪萨斯城分校的护理专业学生, directs a team of first responders during an simulated disaster Friday at Missouri Hope.

在星期五下午的轮换中, 悉尼McQuinn, 她是密苏里大学堪萨斯城分校的护理专业学生, was the command officer charged with overseeing the response and rescue of victims at the fictitious Redden Village. 在那里, first responders found victims trapped inside damaged structures and overturned busses and lying injured among piles of concrete. Victims suffered from lacerations and impalements, among other injuries.

“当务之急是找出谁能救人, 谁来得太晚了?, 在交通工具来之前和记棋牌娱乐能做什么, 尤其是在没有很多资源的情况下,” McQuinn said as she caught her breath after a round of the simulation finished. McQuinn, 谁想在创伤领域工作, 说这个角色对她来说是一次很好的学习经历. “我很难不亲自动手,因为我想这么做, but mine was making sure that there was organization and I was always available for help, 如果和记棋牌娱乐需要资源.”

她补充说:“我不知道自己会遇到什么. 一开始就像, 我不知道该期待什么, 但在第一个半天内,我就已经受到了挑战. It’s not like school where they show you and then they hold your hand and do it. It’s more of like, we’re just gonna force you out there and then we’ll help you along the way. 我想这才是和记棋牌娱乐真正需要的.”

在其他地方, 参加MOERA的绳索挑战课程, 克里斯Meizanis, 来自弗莱明顿的西北应急与灾难专业大三学生, 新泽西, 和一群学生一起练习高角度救援. Meizanis, 谁正朝着应急管理规划的职业发展, 今年秋天,我第一次参加了密苏里希望大学.

“你在任何地方都不会得到这样的体验, 这就是我来这里的主要原因, 像这样的亲身体验,他说.

First responders assess the environment during a Friday simulation of a natural disaster.

First responders assess the environment during a Friday simulation of a natural disaster.

从2013年的第一年开始, Missouri Hope has evolved and expanded into a three-day multidisciplinary mass casualty training experience that is required for Northwest students studying majors or minors in 紧急灾害管理 (EDM). 

The event includes a rotation of distinct training exercises for students as well as emergency personnel in medical, 警察, 火力和武装力量. 场景包括搜索和救援, assessment of traumatic injuries and evacuation from difficult terrains, 比如悬崖和河流. The Medical Reserve Corps of Greater 堪萨斯 City also joined the exercise this year and led a nighttime search and rescue simulation with dogs.

Medical personnel practice tending to a victim of a natural disaster inside a hospital tent at Missouri Hope.

Medical personnel practice tending to a victim of a natural disaster inside a hospital tent at Missouri Hope.

约有60名学生参加了演习, another 60 volunteers worked throughout the weekend as staff members. 另外, 185 volunteers of all ages played the roles of victims and brought a sense of reality to the training. The role players were made-up to resemble victims with an assortment of physical injuries typically sustained during floods and tornados.

另外, Northwest alumni working in the emergency and disaster field annually return to Maryville to assist with Missouri Hope. 今年秋季的校友助手包括摩根·亨特, who earned his bachelor’s degree in emergency and disaster management and now works as an emergency management planner for Johnson County, 堪萨斯, 应急管理. Hunter participated in Missouri Hope three times as an undergraduate student and returned for the second time as an alumnus.

A team of first responders help victims of a simulated natural disaster during Missouri Hope.

A team of first responders help victims of a simulated natural disaster during Missouri Hope.

“Missouri Hope is a great example of what happens when people want to dedicate their time and experience,亨特说。. “我在这里看到人们学到的东西令人震惊. A student will go through some of the courses, and maybe it’s not quite clicking. But then they come to Missouri Hope, and it’s like a flip gets switched.”

Missouri Hope is sponsored each fall by Northwest’s Consortium for Humanitarian Service and Education, a non-profit organization that coordinates full immersion experiences for individuals in the fields of disaster response and humanitarian relief. 合作机构包括玛丽维尔公共安全, 诺达威和布坎南县应急管理中心, 诺达威县救护区, LifeFlight和LifeNet空中救护车, SEMA H区海洋有害物质小组, the 129th Field Artillery Battalion Missouri Army National Guard and the 139th Airlift Wing of the Missouri National Guard. The exercise also attracts students from colleges and universities throughout the country, including students this year from the University of Albany in New York and Atlanta.

MOERA is a 320-acre parcel of land at Mozingo Lake Recreation Park, 位于玛丽维尔东部的46号公路上. MOERA is operated by Northwest’s School of Health Science and Wellness and provides a variety of outdoor education and recreation opportunities, 包括挑战课程, 陷阱射击和射箭, 独木舟和皮划艇, 以及户外研究领域.


Dr. 马克Hornickel

